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A curated approach to your mental health and well-being

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Our Mission Statement

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As a licensed therapist my purpose is to provide an uplifting and nurturing environment for families, couples, and individuals that meets them where they are.

I aim to support people in a way that is authentic, and refreshing familiar. With me, therapy is a human exchange that engenders respect, encouragement, creativity, sincerity, and above all else, professionalism.

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Stacy McCall-Martin - Website MockUp Ove

Therapy and Coaching


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Individual Coaching

"You already have everything you need to cultivate a life you love and a love that gives life. I just help you remember who TF you are.” Stacy M.


Click below for deets:

Mastermind Coaching

"You can do it alone. You’ve done well enough so far. This part though, you can burn the cape, and put down the crown.” Stacy M.

Click below for deets:

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"No more questioning if you deserve to be in the room. This room was created for you. The table and chairs have your name on it. You just have to show up and walk in like you deserve to be here.” Stacy M.


Click below for deets:

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Gimme your feedback, Sis!

I would love to hear your experience on viewing/ replaying the (virtual) LIVE event. Please complete this Google form

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Mindset shift

Releasing less effective ways of managing worry and frustration + using acceptance and coping skills that grant more peace.
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