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A Lifestyle of Prioritized Rest

Individual Coaching Package

A tailored experience curated just for you!

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A Lifestyle of Prioritized Rest is within reach, Sis - I get it. You’re tired of being cute, courageous, an awesome mom, a present spouse, or just an all around BOSS. Living in this society, in this culture requires you to rest like your life depends on it, well, ‘cause, it actually does.


There’s research, articles, books, products, and to address the exhaustion Black women experience. This coaching package however takes the industry research + real life experiences of women in therapy and coaching and customizes approaches with your collaboration. This doesn’t just address self-care. This package empowers and equips you to prioritize radical self-care so you may live the life you truly deserve.

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"You already have everything you need to cultivate a life you love and a love that gives life. I just help you remember who TF you are.”

Living this life, fighting to reclaim our joy and worth is exhausting. Rest is our right AND our privilege.

Stacy M.

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A Lifestyle of Prioritized Rest

What To Expect

With weekly virtual meetings we will:

  • Assess your strengths and needs + identify what’s working

  • Create a tailored plan to abandon patterns/ routines that exhaust and deplete you and replace with boundaries, and RESTorative activities (this may require you GTKY and what you like)

  • Engage in practice work to prepare for the push-back from loved ones and organizations that benefit from your exhaustion

  • Identify trustworthy people and spaces you frequent and develop a sustainable routine of contact

  • Develop a realistic + sustainable concept of Luxury so you may normalize indulgence (this is very subjective, Sis, but absolutely necessary...also, Luxury does not mean expensive, mmkay?)

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Ready to invest in yourself?

Stacy McCall-Martin

text + call 657-657-3095

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